In Car Safety Measures: Vezo 360 Smart Dash cam by Arvizon

Technology and humanity are evolving at the same pace. Well, that wouldn't be entirely correct. We believe that technology is there to enhance human productivity. It should be in no sense be a substitute for it. As a race, we are becoming smarter by the minute. There is a race to be productive and efficient. This rat race and speed results in stress. Stress at times leads to situations which can cause accidents. For example, imagine a man working for 15 hours a day. Driving back home to his family. Now, this is a situation which can be potentially hazardous. A person working for 15 hours a day is bound to be tired and sleepy. Such an individual can easily sleep behind the wheel of a car. What if there was a system in the car which could alert the driver when he feels sleepy? Presenting Vezo 360 Smart Dash Cam by Arvizon. An in-car dash cam which can really save the life of the driver and others around him. The AI-driven smart dash cam is really smart. Its advanced algori...